Open Positions

Postdoctoral Position in Cancer-Neuroscience

We are looking for for a postdoctoral fellow with a strong background in neurobiology.

The project aims to define how peripheral nerves in the metastatic tumor environment interact with cancer cells to affect progression, therapy and disease outcome.

The successful candidate will combine neurobiology techniques with whole organ single cell imaging of metastasis (PMID 34788609) to map and functionally probe the neuro-metastatic interface (reviewed in PMID 32302564). The work is a close collaboration with the Borniger Lab at CSHL, studying brain body communication in cancer (see PMID 31174326).


Candidates should be great at communicating principles of neurobiology and innovative at problem solving in order to apply techniques such as optogenetics, stereotaxic viral injections, calcium imaging etc. to the functional probing of peripheral nerve interaction with metastatic cancer cells.

They should thrive in a diverse environment that brings together CSHL’s cutting edge cancer and neuroscientists. Opportunities for translational studies with clinician collaborators are also available.

To Apply:

Follow this link and/ or click here to reach out by email.

PhD Students

We are looking for PhD students who are excited about the topics and techniques that are described on the Research Page. For specific opportunities and to discuss further, please click here to reach out by email.

Closed Searches

Animal and Pre-Clinical Trials Technician

We are accepting applications for a full-time Research Technician. The successful candidate will be working as part of our expanding team that is fighting to defeat cancer and a deadly infant disease. The Trotman lab is developing new therapy approaches and testing them in genetically engineered mice that recapitulate these disorders. The purpose of this position is to test pioneering therapy approaches so that they can then be tested in human with our clinical collaborators. The position is ideal for ambitious trainees with a strong interest in a career in clinical or translational research as evidenced by the track records of current and former trainees.

Follow this link to apply